Thursday, October 31, 2019

The best possible cure for Fibromyalgia in India: PAIN FREE TODAY!!

What Is Fibromyalgia? 

Fibromyalgia is a disorder where widespread musculoskeletal pain is accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and Mood fluctuations. Researchers say that in case of fibromyalgia painful sensations are increased by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.
Symptoms sometimes start post physical or mental trauma, surgery, infection or significant psychological stress and anxiety. In some cases, symptoms can accumulate over time with no single noticeable trigger event.

Research shows that women are more likely to develop fibromyalgia than are men. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have tension headaches, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression.
While there is no cure for fibromyalgia, a method can help control symptoms. Exercise, relaxation and stress-reduction measures also may help.

One of the most effective remedies that reverses this disorder is called as Sensory deprivation tank or float therapy or R.E.S.T. (restrictive environmental stimulus technique).

According to a study done by the Fibromyalgia Flotation Project, data was collected to determine how beneficial the effects of flotation are on fibromyalgia symptoms. Below are the symptoms listed with the average amount of relief that the participants of the study reported:
  • 66% reduction in pain level
  • 72% reduction in being bothered by pain
  • 66% reduction in muscle tension
  • 66% reduction in stress levels and
  • 66% reduction in anxiety levels.
The project then reported on certain symptoms that were improved by floating including:
  • 42% increase in freedom of movement
  • 58% increase in energy level
  • 64% increase in feeling of well being
  • 163% increase in relaxation level
  • 19% increase in amount of sleep and
  • 83% increase in sleep quality.
Ongoing studies of floating report physical and psychological benefits including: pain management, mindfulness, stress relief, anti-gravity effect, magnesium absorption, decreased issues with insomnia/sleeplessness, heightened senses, increased immune functions, and help with mental health disorders.

So What is this Float therapy Anyways?

Float therapy or sensory deprivation tanks or  (Reduced Environmental Stimulus Therapy) is a gravity less environment which allows the mind and body to completely let go, relax, and reset. Using 750 to 800 KG of Epsom Salts, It's the buoyancy of the water that makes floating on water feel like floating on air. By eliminating the forces of gravity continuously pulling on the musculoskeletal and nervous systems; You can effortlessly relieve pain, relax, recover, and improve sleep in this unique state of being.
Flotation therapy (aka sensory deprivation) offers relief and benefits which are cumulative— Regular usage can really show very incredible results on the mind and the body. It is said, “the more you float, the better it gets”, as floats themselves deepen beyond the first session. Though flotation is an “effortless” therapy, the body and mind actually learn how to relax into the float with each session.. Stress, tension and pain have formed over time and will take some time to experience the greatest relief—luckily, floating is a relaxing, fun, and effortless way to do so!
Also the relaxation is not temporary as a massage and is felt for days to come. The sustained relaxation is very beneficial for sports recovery and meditative experiences as well.

Know more about floating.. Click on the video above  

Where can I find Sensory deprivation tanks in India?

1000 Petals is the largest chain of float tank centres in India. You can find their centres in Mumbai, Bangalore and Gurgaon, Delhi NCR. The Other centre can be found in Pune, Shalom Float and Mind Spa

To book your appointment and find relief from Fibromyalgia, Call us on 9686844770 (Bangalore) or 8828844770 (Mumbai) or 7290944770 (Delhi and Gurgaon) or visit us on
 Become pain free today. 

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