Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Lucia N03 Light Machine

The Origins


Since the birth of Human evolution, where we human beings started gathering around the fire.... The journey of Lucia no03 Began... with the flickering of Light, they started having deep, meditative and transformational experiences....

The technology advanced, and here came the birth of one of the most amazing scientific inventions to enter altered states of consciousness.

The Development


Photo from Lucia Light Experience USA FB Cover - Thank You Allisun Shine


Dr. Engelbert Winkler is a clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, and He studied philosophy, pediatrics and psychology in Innsbruck, and completed further studies in existential analysis, hypnotherapy and other disciplines.

At the age of 7, Dr Winkler had a transformative near death experience. This led him to extensively research analysing the principals of the brain wave function, relaxation, meditative and their effects on health. Inspired by his research, he worked with Dr. Proekl to create this technology, the Lucia N3, to support the development of greater consciousness of humanity.


The doctors discovered that Lucia creates wave patterns in the EEG that wouldusually only appear after several years of meditation practice.


During a session, you sit or lay facing the Lucia N3, close your eyes and relax. That's it.

The Lucia N°03 Light is a neurostimulator, which combines flashing and constant light to stimulate temporary EEG brain wave patterns that help users achieve a hypnagogic trance.


The white light passes through your closed eyelids and to the pineal gland, often referred to as the third eye, which is stimulated to produce mind-activating hormones.


The Lucia N3 offers the benefits of deep meditation through accessing an expanded state of consciousness almost immediately.


The Science of Hypnagogia


That wonderful feeling you experience right before you fall asleep or wake up has a name - hypnagogia.  This state of consciousness creates a bridge between the worlds of dreams & reality.

The activation of the pineal gland (third eye) creates a completely unique visual experience that is entirely the result of your own consciousness.

Listening to music can also enhance the experience as the mind combines the two stimuli, generating synesthesia – the experience of seeing music.

This transcendental experience is usually only seen under extreme conditions such as high performance sport, entheogenic substances, transcendental meditation, or in near-death experiences.

Activation of this state of consciousness through use of the light machine can trigger the same positive effects as the extreme conditions that most people will never experience otherwise.

With a series of regular sessions on the Lucia N°03 Light machine, you can literally train your brain to reach this optimal state at will.  Even after one session it is easier to drop into a state of deep meditation, since your brain now knows where it's going.


The Experience

The Lucia N3 stimulates temporary EEG brain wave patterns that would usually only appear after several years of meditation practice.  For the first time even novice meditators experience a state of deep relaxation coupled with focus, where one is in touch with their own intuition and sense of wholeness.

Faced with the artistry of ones own inner consciousness, light travelers cannot help but to re-evaluate their perception.  Whether they come for a light show or a longing for peace and relaxation, each experience is as unique as the person in the light.


The Benefits


Typical EEG Brainwave Patterns


People have reported amazing benefits post regular sessions of Lucia N03 Hypnagogic Light Machine...  few of them include:


-   Rapid and sustained deep relaxation

-   Immersion in worlds of color and shape and never before seen beauty

-   Deep emotions and a strong feeling of happiness

-   Increased sense of inner peace and emotional stability

-   Reduced anxiety and stress

-   Reduced fear and depression

-   More restful sleep

-   Improved physical healing

-   Release of beneficial hormones related to health and longevity

-   Increased learning capacity and performance

-   Increased creativity

-   Increased intuition

-   Awareness detached from the body

-   Timelessness and spacelessness

-   Spiritual experiences




"One of the most beautiful experiences I've had so far, 1000 petals stands for something which brings out the other side of you...it's a one of a kind experience which I was lucky to have had and it was pure bliss.." ... Sharan Kumar Via Facebook


"And I travelled, within and then out and away. I saw mists over temple spires in the warm glow of twilight, I saw boats disappearing on journeys into the horizon, I saw hills and mountains and I even saw the hazy buzz of cities ... and I smiled. A wide Cheshire Cat smile. Thank you 1000 petals. I’ll be back" ..... Nishant Badami Jacob Via Facebook


"The light therapy was phenomenal, out of this world (and out of my body), and I recommend it to everyone and anyone!!!! The perfect space to meditate and spend time with your soul" ..... Jen Marsden Via Facebook


"The lucia light machine is a technological wonder, well all one needs to do is sit on a chair with eyes closed relax and the machine starts flickering light. I experienced some really deep and profound sense of relaxation and the experience of light is different each time." ..... Pathik Desai Via Google


These were just a  few experiences that people have had in the Journey of the Lucia No03 Hypnagogic Light Machine. lets get to know about it furthermore...

With a series of regular sessions on the Lucia N°03 light, you can literally train your brain (brain entrainment) to reach this optimal state at will.

Even after one session it is easier to drop into a state of deep meditation as your brain knows where it's going!


To Know more about Lucia no03 hypnagogic Light experience, call us on

+919686844770 (Bangalore)

+918828844770 (Mumbai)

+917290944770 (Delhi NCR)


Or  Visit us on www.1000petals.in to book your appointment

Or drop in an Email to us on info@1000petals.in


The essence of Zen By Amitabh Swetta

The Essence of Zen  Thats all for today. To Disappear connect on  www.1000petals.in www.facebook.com/1kpetals www.instagram.com/1kpetals +91...